Sunday 16 August 2015


Brian Huggett

In today’s world the term anti-Semitic, anti-Semitism etc is construed as anti-Jewish, yet the Arabs are descendents of Shem as well as the Jewish race, so why are the Jewish people singled out in this manner?

The Jews have been historically persecuted by nations including Arabs and therefore it cannot be because of their Semitic background. Why the Jewish people?

There are many reasons given (and excuses), but there is an underlying reason the world will not acknowledge, a cause that is found in the unseen world of the spiritual. It is due to God’s present ‘hands off’ dealings with Israel because of her rejection of the Messiah, and especially in these latter days with Satan’s desperate need to destroy the people God has called his own.

Because of their rejection of Messiah, God has condemned the Jews to a period of estrangement from the land, which has been an historical fact since AD70. This estrangement has also included a latent hostility within the gentile world; hostility that comes to the fore at times and for different reasons but I believe its main cause is God’s moral integrity and exclusivism seen in Judaism.

(This hostility to moral integrity and exclusivism is borne out by the same antagonism that is shown toward Jesus Christ. The Christian doctrine that Christ is the only way of salvation, that ‘no man comes to the Father but by Christ’ excludes all other religions - all forms of self-righteousness and to a world that believes itself to be adequate to stand before God, Christ is anathema. This reason also applies to those who like to pretend there is no God.)

The Bible confirms the Jewish claim to being ‘God’s special people’ as legitimate, but throughout history the gentiles whether religious or secular have either distorted the Biblical teaching or rejected it altogether. The latent hatred for the Jewish people rises to the fore under anti Biblical circumstances; when the Biblical principles for life are rejected and Christ himself is spurned. Every period of ‘anti-Semitism’ is spawned by this self-righteous religious mentality and often by those who call themselves Christian.

One of the most anti-Semitic of these has been Roman Catholicism, even though Rome’s hatred has also vented itself against Christian groups who dared question her self proclaimed right to dominance (I recommend Dave Hunt’s book “A Woman Rides the Beast”).

Because of distortion and rejection of Biblical truth and subsequent rejection of Jesus Christ by the Gentile world, events foretold in Scripture regarding the re-gathering of the Jewish people have begun.

By means of a growing anti-Semitism God is about to bring extreme pressure upon his ancient people for the purpose of drawing them back to the land and purging the race of its incorrigibles, to cleanse the land of unrighteousness and to set up the promises he made to Abraham regarding the land and to David regarding the Kingdom.

We are all spectators at the moment, but there is coming a day when the world’s gentile inhabitants will also be players in this terrifying drama, when God cleanses the world of arrogance and pride through judgement and destruction.

My saying so has no bearing on the future; it is God’s saying so that ensures it fulfilment.

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